U4U Smart Steps: American Dream in Ukrainian

Welcome to our Credit Union! We are thrilled to be a part of your journey in the United States. Our "U4U Smart Steps" program is designed exclusively for New Immigrants like you, to help you build your credit quickly and efficiently.

Why Choose U4U Smart Steps?

  • 1. Tailored for New Immigrants: Our program is specifically designed to cater to your unique needs and help you succeed in the USA.

  • 2. Step-by-Step Guidance: We will be with you every step of the way, providing support and guidance to ensure your financial success.

  • 3. No Credit Score? No Problem: We believe in your potential, even without a credit history. Let's build it together!

  • 4. Trustworthy and Caring: As a Credit Union, we prioritize your well-being and financial growth, always putting you first.


Step 1: Become a Member

  • Join our Credit Union family by becoming a member. We're here to support you every step of the way.
  • Open your account with ease and start establishing your financial foundation.


Step 2: Credit Card Issuance

  • Time to build your credit history! Get your U4U Credit Card and start making small purchases.
  • Responsible credit card usage will help you pave the way to a stronger credit score.


Step 3: Car Loan Opportunity

  • Need a car for your new life in the USA? We've got you covered!
  • Even without a credit score, our U4U Car Loan offers favorable terms and financing up to $19,999.


Step 4: The Path to Homeownership

  • Congratulations on your progress! Once you have your first tax return, 12 months of income, and a 25% down payment, we're excited to offer you a verified pre-approval for your dream home.
  • Experience the joy of owning a home and building a brighter future.
  • Co - borrower with permanent resident status is required

        Become a member

*"U4U Smart Steps" program is subject to eligibility criteria and approval. Terms and conditions may apply. The program is exclusively for New Immigrants on the U4U Sponsor Program from Ukraine. Our Credit Union reserves the right to modify or terminate the program at any time.

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